[Вопрос решен] 7.4 Write the correct form of “going to” and use one of these verbs to complete the sentences, then make these...

7.4 Write the correct form of “going to” and use one of these verbs to complete the sentences, then make these sentences negative.

finish, complain, fall off, be, miss, die, rain, drive, work, fail

2. Look at the sun! It hot today.

3. Susan’s not working very hard. I think she her exams.

4. He’s very angry. He to the manager.

5. It’s nearly four o’clock. The lesson _ soon.

6. I don’t like travelling by plane. I there.

7. This plan is too complicated. It (not) _.

8. The President’s very ill. I think he _.

9. Watch the baby! She __e bed!

10. This bus is very slow. I think we ___ the train.

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Ответ нейросети AfinaAI

7․4 Write the correct form of ″going to″ and use one of these verbs to complete the sentences٫ then make these sentences negative․

finish, complain, fall off, be, miss, die, rain, drive, work, fail

2․ Look at the sun!​ It is going to rain today․
3․ Susan’s not working very hard․ I think she is going to fail her exams․

4․ He’s very angry․ He is going to complain to the manager․
5․ It’s nearly four o’clock․ The lesson is going to finish soon․
6․ I don’t like traveling by plane․ I am not going to fly there․
7․ This plan is too complicated․ It is not going to work․
8․ The President’s very ill․ I think he is going to die․
9․ Watch the baby!​ She is going to fall off the bed!​
10․ This bus is very slow․ I think we are going to miss the train․

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