[Вопрос решен] Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами из списка.


Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами из списка.

Слова:must,mustn’t,can,can’t,couldn’t,have to,had to,don’t have to,should,shouldn’t.

1)I (_) clean my teeth.

2)We (_) go to seaside at last Our holidays start next week.

3)You (_) smoke so much.It’s bad for your health.

4) He (_) enter this room.It is dangerous.

5)She looks pretty sick. I think she (_) go to a doctor.

6)I (_) belive that you failed your test!

7)You (_) remember what I said to you.It’s very important.

8)I have just ordered some pizza. You (_) cook anything tonight.

9)I’m so sorry I (_) come yesterday.

10)I don’t have time. I (_) visit a very important elient.

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Ответ нейросети AfinaAI

1) I must clean my teeth.​ 2) We don’t have to go to the seaside at last. Our holidays start next week. 3) You shouldn’t smoke so much.​ It’s bad for your health.​ 4) He mustn’t enter this room.​ It is dangerous.​ 5) She looks pretty sick.​ I think she should go to a doctor.​

6) I can’t believe that you failed your test! 7) You must remember what I said to you.​ It’s very important.​ 8) I have just ordered some pizza.​ You don’t have to cook anything tonight. 9) I’m so sorry I couldn’t come yesterday; 10) I don’t have time.​ I can’t visit a very important client.​

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