[Вопрос решен] Maugham stories “the luncheon”

Answer the following questions.

1. Whom did the author meet at the...

Maugham stories “the luncheon”

Answer the following questions.

1. Whom did the author meet at the theatre? How many years had passed since their first meeting? Why do you think the author found it difficult to recognize the lady?

2. How did the author live at the time of their first meeting?

How does he describe his money difficulties?

3. Who initiated their meeting? Why do you think the lady wanted to meet the author?

4. Where did the lady appoint their meeting? What does the author say about this place?

5. How much money did the author have? How much did he think he would have to pay?

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Maugham stories “The Luncheon”

I’ve recently had the pleasure of exploring one of W.​ Somerset Maugham’s captivating short stories, titled ″The Luncheon,″ and I must say, it left quite an impression on me.​ In this article, I will answer a series of questions to provide a deeper understanding of the story.​1.​ Whom did the author meet at the theatre?​ How many years had passed since their first meeting?​ Why do you think the author found it difficult to recognize the lady?​

At the theatre, I had the pleasure of meeting a woman whom I once knew many years ago.​ To my surprise, it had been a staggering twenty years since we last crossed paths.​ Naturally, such a significant time gap can greatly alter a person’s appearance, making recognition difficult for even the keenest eyes.​ Additionally, life experiences and aging could have transformed her features or mannerisms, contributing to my struggle to identify her.2. How did the author live at the time of their first meeting?​ How does he describe his money difficulties?​

During the time of our initial encounter, I was living a humble and frugal life. Money was something I constantly struggled with, and the challenges associated with financial stability were a recurrent motif in my life. With a touch of humor, I vividly described my financial predicaments, emphasizing the scarce amount of money I possessed and the constant impediments it presented.​3.​ Who initiated their meeting?​ Why do you think the lady wanted to meet the author?​

It was the lady who took the initiative to arrange our long-overdue meeting.​ The reasons behind her desire to reconnect after such a significant period remain open to interpretation. Perhaps she wanted to reminisce about our previous interactions, or maybe she genuinely enjoyed my company and sought to rekindle our friendship.​ Alas, the true motives behind her invitation remain undisclosed.​4.​ Where did the lady appoint their meeting? What does the author say about this place?​

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The rendezvous point chosen by the lady was a renowned restaurant.​ This particular establishment had an air of elegance and sophistication, as described by the author. It was renowned for its exceptional cuisine and refined ambiance, indicating that our meeting held significance for the woman. In contrast, the author expressed his concern over the potential expenses he would incur at such a fine dining establishment.​5.​ How much money did the author have?​ How much did he think he would have to pay?​

At the time of the meeting, my financial resources were alarmingly limited.​ I possessed a mere two pounds in my pocket, a sum that left me anxious about the potential cost of our luncheon at the extravagant restaurant.​ Pondering over the menu prices, I estimated that the bill could amount to anywhere between three and four pounds, a staggering amount considering my current financial state.​
In conclusion, ″The Luncheon″ offers readers a glimpse into the complexities of human relationships and the struggles one may face in different aspects of life.​ Maugham’s craftsmanship brilliantly captures the challenges of recognition, financial difficulties, and the uncertainties that come with the passage of time.​ This captivating tale reminds us to cherish our connections and the memories shared, no matter how much time has elapsed.​
