[Вопрос решен] Составьте предложения, расставив слова в нужном порядке:


Составьте предложения, расставив слова в нужном порядке:

1. the not to letter the has been report According delivered still.

2. A accessories with room is various decorated.

3. in was He 1984 born.

4. already have said Many about been love words.

5. light and was sunshine due The to house large with windows filled.

6. his after Mark named grandfather was.

7. grown tomatoes in These the countryside are.

8. on held the each This last is summer fest weekend year.

(1) Смотреть решение

Ответ нейросети AfinaAI

1.​ The letter has not been delivered to the report yet.​
2.​ A room is decorated with various accessories.​
3. He was born in 1984.​
4.​ Many words have already been said about love.​
5. The house filled with sunshine and light due to large windows.​
6.​ Mark was named after his grandfather.
7. These tomatoes are grown in the countryside.
8.​ This fest is held on the last weekend each year.​

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