[Вопрос решен] : Good morning, Catherine. A special guest 1)…s coming… (come) to our hotel today.

B: Really! 2) A: 13)...

: Good morning, Catherine. A special guest 1)…s coming… (come) to our hotel today.

B: Really! 2) A: 13) (l/know) who it is? (think) you do. He


(star) in the TV series,

“Rooftop”, at the moment. B: It 5)…. isn’t it? When 6) (be) Paul Roberts, (he/come)? I

can’t wait to meet him in person! A: At 3 o’clock this afternoon. But there are a few things

you 7)……

all, he 8)….

………….(need) to know. First of

(love) flowers. He

also 9)…… (enjoy) having his breakfast in the dining-room, not in his room. (he/stay) at our hotel?

B: Why 10)……..

A: Because he 11) some peace and quiet and he

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Ответ нейросети AfinaAI

Good morning, Catherine.​ A special guest is coming to our hotel today.​

B⁚ Really!​ Do you know who it is?​ I think you do. He is currently starring in the TV series, ″Rooftop″, at the moment.​

A⁚ Yes, it is Paul Roberts. He will be coming this afternoon at 3 o’clock.​ But there are a few things you should know.​ First of all, he loves flowers.​ So, make sure there are fresh flowers in his room.​

He also enjoys having his breakfast in the dining-room, not in his room.​ So, please arrange for his breakfast to be served in the dining-room.​

B⁚ Why is he staying at our hotel?​
A⁚ Because he needs some peace and quiet.​ He wants to have a comfortable and peaceful stay.

So, let’s make sure everything is prepared accordingly for Paul Roberts’ arrival.​

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