[Вопрос решен] 7. Explain the semantic correlations within the following pairs of words.

Shelter — to shelter, park — to...

7. Explain the semantic correlations within the following pairs of words.

Shelter — to shelter, park — to park, groom — to groom, elbow — to elbow,

breakfast — to breakfast, pin — to pin, trap — to trap, fish — to fish, head — to

head, nurse — to nurse.

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Semantic correlations within the following pairs of words

Shelter ‒ to shelter⁚ When I think of the word ″shelter,″ the first thing that comes to my mind is a safe place to protect oneself from the elements or danger.​ It can be a physical structure like a house, or even a metaphorical sense of finding protection or refuge.​ On the other hand, the verb ″to shelter″ means to provide someone or something with a place of protection or refuge.​ It could be someone taking in a stray animal during a storm or offering a place for someone to stay temporarily.​ The correlation between the word ″shelter″ and the action of ″to shelter″ is a natural association, as the verb implies the action of providing someone or something with a shelter.

Park ⎼ to park⁚ The word ″park″ usually refers to an area of land designed for recreational purposes, such as a public park with trees, grass, and benches.​ It is a place where people can relax, play sports, or have a picnic.​ As for the verb ″to park,″ it refers to the action of leaving a vehicle in a designated parking spot or area.​ The correlation here is straightforward, as ″to park″ is the action of placing a vehicle in a park.Groom ‒ to groom⁚ In the context of the word ″groom,″ it is often associated with personal care and appearance.​ People typically groom themselves by cleaning, styling, or tidying up their appearance, such as combing their hair or applying cosmetics.​ When it comes to the verb ″to groom,″ it has a broader meaning and can refer to any activity involving cleaning, tidying, or preparing, not just personal appearance.​ For example, grooming a pet refers to the act of brushing, cleaning, and taking care of its coat.​ The correlation between the word ″groom″ and the action of ″to groom″ is that both involve the act of cleaning, tidying, or preparing.​

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Elbow ‒ to elbow⁚ The word ″elbow″ refers to the joint between the forearm and the upper arm.​ It is also used to describe the sharp bend or corner formed by two converging streets or hallways.​ The verb ″to elbow,″ on the other hand, means to push or jab someone with one’s elbow.​ It can be used literally or figuratively, such as elbowing through a crowd or elbowing someone out of the way.​ The correlation between the word ″elbow″ and the action of ″to elbow″ is based on the physical connection between the body part and the action.​

Breakfast ‒ to breakfast⁚ The word ″breakfast″ is a noun used to describe the first meal of the day.​ It typically refers to a morning meal eaten after waking up and before starting the day’s activities.​ As for the verb ″to breakfast,″ it describes the action of eating breakfast.​ It is less common in contemporary usage but can still be found in formal or poetic contexts. The correlation between the word ″breakfast″ and the action of ″to breakfast″ is straightforward, as the verb simply means to consume the morning meal.​

Pin ⎼ to pin⁚ The word ″pin″ can refer to a small, thin piece of metal with a sharp point used for fastening things together or attaching them to surfaces.​ It can also be used to describe the act of winning or defeating someone in a competition, like bowling.​ The verb ″to pin″ means to fasten or attach something using a pin.​ It can be seen in actions like pinning a piece of fabric or pinning a badge to a lapel.​ The correlation between the word ″pin″ and the action of ″to pin″ is based on the use of the object to secure or hold something in place.​

Читайте также  1) Напишите формулы­ ди-, три- и тетрапептидов из следующих аминокислот: а) лизина и глутамина­, б) глицина, глутаминовой кислоты, аланина, в) серина, цистеина, пролина, треонина.

2) Напишите формулы пептидов и осуществите их гидролиз: а) ала–три–гли– арг, б) лиз–вал–иле, в) мет–тир–фен–асп–гли.

Trap ‒ to trap⁚ The word ″trap″ refers to a device used to catch or restrain animals or people.​ It can also describe a situation or circumstance that is difficult to escape or get out of, like being caught in a trap.​ The verb ″to trap″ means to catch or confine something or someone in a trap.​ It can also be used metaphorically, indicating the act of snaring or tricking someone into a difficult situation.​ The correlation between the word ″trap″ and the action of ″to trap″ is that the verb describes the act of setting up or using a trap to catch or confine.​

Fish ⎼ to fish⁚ The word ″fish″ is a noun used to describe aquatic animals that live in water and have gills for breathing.​ Fishing is a common recreational activity involving catching fish using various methods such as a fishing rod and bait.​ The verb ″to fish″ means to engage in the activity of fishing, attempting to catch fish.​ It can also be used metaphorically to describe searching or seeking for something or someone, as in ″fishing for information.​″ The correlation between the word ″fish″ and the action of ″to fish″ is straightforward, as the verb represents the activity associated with catching fish.​
Head ‒ to head⁚ The word ″head″ refers to the uppermost part of the body, containing the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth.​ It can also be used to describe one’s mental or intellectual capacity, such as having a good head for numbers.​ The verb ″to head″ means to be in charge or lead a group or organization.​ It can also indicate the action of going or moving in a particular direction, as in ″heading home.″ The correlation between the word ″head″ and the action of ″to head″ is that the verb implies taking the lead or being at the forefront.​
Nurse ⎼ to nurse⁚ The word ″nurse″ is a noun used to describe a person who provides medical care and assistance to the sick or injured.​ It can also refer to the act of breastfeeding a baby.​ The verb ″to nurse″ means to provide care, treatment, or assistance to someone who is sick or injured. It can also be used in the context of nurturing or fostering the growth or development of something, as in ″nursing a hope.​″ The correlation between the word ″nurse″ and the action of ″to nurse″ is based on the caring and providing assistance associated with the role of a nurse.
In conclusion, these pairs of words ⎼ shelter/to shelter, park/to park, groom/to groom, elbow/to elbow, breakfast/to breakfast, pin/to pin, trap/to trap, fish/to fish, head/to head, nurse/to nurse ⎼ exhibit semantic correlations in terms of the relationship between the base noun and its corresponding verb form.​ The verbs describe actions related to or associated with the nouns, whether it be providing, performing, or engaging in specific activities.​ These correlations can help us understand and use the words accurately in different contexts.

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