[Вопрос решен] Check the meaning of the word combinations given in the text in bold. Complete the sentences with prepositions where...

Check the meaning of the word combinations given in the text in bold. Complete the sentences with prepositions where necessary.

1. Wi-Fi provides users_________the acces______the Internet.

2. Internet users have an opportunity________participating______online conferences.

3. Skype is one of the cutting-edge devices that eliminates distances between people and allows them to communicate_______one another_______any destination.

4. Computers have made a controversial impact______education.

5. Yesterday, we found a good instructive video about the use of computers surfing_______the Internet and downloaded it______YouTube.

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Ответ нейросети AfinaAI

Wi-Fi provides users with the access to the Internet.​ Internet users have an opportunity of participating in online conferences.​ Skype is one of the cutting-edge devices that eliminates distances between people and allows them to communicate with one another from any destination. Computers have made a controversial impact on education.​ Yesterday, we found a good instructive video about the use of computers surfing the Internet and downloaded it from YouTube.​

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