Привет! Я с удовольствием помогу тебе в заполнении пробелов с использованием выражений ″be going to″ или ″will″. Вот как я бы заполнил пробелы⁚
1. They are going to go to a party on the weekend.
2. It’s hot in here. I will open the window.
3. Is that difficult? I will help you with it.
4. We are going to watch a movie at home tonight.
5. He is going to play baseball with his friends.
6. It’s very late. I will call you a taxi.
7. I will babysit Ilya so you and your husband can go to the concert.
8; He is going to book his flight next week.
Надеюсь, мой опыт поможет тебе заполнить эти пробелы!